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Art history:  The Italian Renaissance 

  • By Dominique Hoffman
  • 09 Aug, 2022

                        female painters during the Italian Renaissance -                                                                  les femmes peintres pendant la renaissance italienne

The Italian Renaissance is one of the best known period of art history. Every year, millions of visitors flock to museums and admire the works of Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Titian, Fra Angelico, Michelangelo, Donatello and so many more. From time to time, a visitor may ask whether female painters were also active during that time and whether their works are any good. 

Women in  arts in particular and society in general did not enjoy the same status as men.  Most upper-class women had only two options for their lives: they were either expected to get married or join the convent. Some of the artists featured here are relatives of other artists, so they found their vocations and  learnt their craft in that environment, almost despite their family.    However, they  were not able to receive any proper art training from the start of their careers and so these artists had to improve their skills by themselves. 

Some of these painters were acclaimed during their time and slowly faded into obscurity over the centuries, languishing in archives. Their works are now being rediscovered and displayed.   thanks to  a nonprofit foundation was started in Florence in 2009, which investigated why women were left out of important galleries and focused on locating their important artworks. Known as Advancing Women Artists (AWA), this group has begun the process of uncovering a forgotten and neglected part of the art world. Historians have worked to identify over 2000 artworks by women artists that have been gathering dust in Italy’s churches and public libraries .


La Renaissance italienne est l'une des périodes les plus connues de l'histoire de l'art. Chaque année, des millions de visiteurs affluent dans les musées et admirent les œuvres de Léonard de Vinci, Raphaël, Titien, Fra Angelico, Michel-Ange, Donatello et bien d'autres.  Grâce à une fondation à but non lucratif a été créée à Florence en 2009, qui a enquêté sur les raisons pour lesquelles les femmes étaient exclues des galeries importantes et s'est concentrée sur la localisation de leurs œuvres d'art importantes. Connu sous le nom d'Advancing Women Artists (AWA), ce groupe a commencé le processus de découverte d'une partie oubliée et négligée du monde de l'art. 

 Les femmes dans les arts en particulier et dans la société en général ne jouissaient pas du même statut que les hommes. La plupart des femmes de la classe supérieure n'avaient que deux options pour leur vie : elles devaient soit se marier, soit rejoindre le couvent. Certains des artistes présentés ici sont des parents d'autres artistes, ils ont donc trouvé leur vocation et ont appris leur métier dans cet environnement, presque malgré leur famille. Cependant, ils n'ont pas pu recevoir de formation artistique appropriée dès le début de leur carrière et ces artistes ont donc dû améliorer leurs compétences seules. Certaines de ces peintres furent été acclamés en leur temps et tombèrent dans l'oubli au fil des siècles, languissant dans les archives. 

PLAUTILLA NELLI - Italian nun Plautilla Nelli  was the earliest female painter of the Renaissance. She was  a nun of the Dominican convent of St. Catherine of Siena in Florence who ended up as the the Prioress in her later years. Nelli was greatly impacted by the doctrines of Savonarola and the artworks of Fra Bartolomeo. Her father was a painter but Nelli is mostly self-taught. When her father died, she inherited his collection of paintings.  As a nun, she was not allowed to study the male form but her work, mostly religious scenes is well-accomplished and distinguishable from her influences.   (the paintings are a self-portrait, and a portrait of Catherine of Siena)

Français - PLAUTILLA NELLI - La religieuse italienne Plautilla Nelli est la première femme peintre de la Renaissance. Elle était une religieuse du couvent dominicain de Sainte-Catherine de Sienne à Florence et finit par en devenir la prieure. Nelli fut fortement influencée par les doctrines de Savonarole et les œuvres de Fra Bartolomeo. Son père était peintre mais Nelli était surtout autodidacte. À la mort de son père, elle hérita de sa collection de peintures. En tant que religieuse, elle n'était pas autorisée à étudier la forme masculine mais son travail, principalement des scènes religieuses, est bien abouti et se distingue de ses influences. (les peintures sont un autoportrait, et un portrait de Catherine de Sienne)

Italian painter Sofonisba Anguissola is the first major female artist of the Renaissance and her work received international acknowledgment for her contribution to art. Anguissola’s body of work had a lasting effect on subsequent generations of emerging female artists. Her artworks were praised by Michelangelo, and Sofonisba Aguissola eventually became a portrait painter at the Spanish court of King Philip II. - paintings: The Chess Game, and self-portrait.

Français - La peintre italienne Sofonisba Anguissola est la première grande artiste féminine de la Renaissance et son travail reçut une reconnaissance internationale pour sa contribution à l'art. L'œuvre d'Anguissola eut un effet durable sur les générations suivantes d'artistes féminines émergentes. Ses œuvres furent saluées par Michel-Ange. Sofonisba Aguissola devint portraitiste à la cour espagnole du roi Philippe II. - photos : La partie d'échecs, et autoportrait.

LAVINIA FONTANA - She was the  daughter  of a painter called Prospero Fontana who trained her.   She became well-known  throughout Italy and beyond and she was the  first female career artist in Western Europe who solely depended on commissions for her income and doing so she supported her whole family.   After moving from Bologna to Rome to further her career, she became a portraitist at the court of Pope Paul V, who greatly admired her style.

LAVINIA FONTANA - Elle était la fille du peintre  Prospero Fontana qui la forma. Elle devint connue dans toute l'Italie et ailleurs et  fut  la première femme artiste de carrière en Europe occidentale à dépendre uniquement des commissions pour ses revenus et, ce faisant, elle parvenait à soutenir toute sa famille. Après avoir déménagé de Bologne à Rome pour poursuivre sa carrière, elle devient portraitiste à la cour du pape Paul V, qui admirait beaucoup son style.

MARIETA ROBUSTI "La Tintoretta". The daughter of famous artist Tintoretto  was a  Venetian painter.  Robusti's artistic training consisted of serving an apprenticeship in the collaborative environment of her father's workshop, where she probably contributed to her father's paintings with backgrounds and figure blocking.  Her father wanted to keep her next to him and refused to let her go to become a court painter. Instead she married a musician who instructed her in singing and playing the harpsichord, clavichord, and lute.  Some of her works thought of be by her father were reattributed to her. - photo: self-portrait, and portrait of Ottavio Strada. 

Français -MARIETA ROBUSTI "La Tintorette". La fille du célèbre artiste Tintoret était une peintre vénitienne. Sa  formation artistique consista à faire un apprentissage dans l'environnement collaboratif de l'atelier de son père, où elle contribua probablement aux tableaux de son père avec des arrière-plans et des blocages de figures. Son père voulait la garder auprès de lui et refusa de la laisser partir pour devenir peintre de cour. Au lieu de cela, elle épousa un musicien qui lui enseigna le chant, le clavecin, le clavicorde et le luth. Certaines de ses œuvres supposées être de son père lui ont été réattribuées. - photo : autoportrait et portrait d'Ottavio Strada.

FEDE GALLIZIA  was the daughter of a miniaturist and portrait painter, Galizia who taught her how to paint. By the age of 12, she was so proficiently skilled as an artista and she displayed such a high level of skill that she could  establish herself as a competent artist by her late teens. While she was often commissioned to paint portraits and religious images, she was best known for her flawless still lifes.


FEDE GALLIZIA était la fille d'un miniaturiste et portraitiste qui lui apprit à peindre. À l'âge de 12 ans, elle était si compétente en tant qu'artiste et elle a fait preuve d'un niveau de compétence si élevé qu'elle put s'imposer comme artisteà la fin de son adolescence. Alors qu'elle était souvent chargée de peindre des portraits et des images religieuses, elle était surtout connue pour ses natures mortes impeccables.

By Dominique Hoffman August 19, 2022
art history: the Italian Renaissance les femmes peintres de la renaissance italienne
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photo de Portsmouth, Angleterre de 1987
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chroniques de lectures: Tuez moi (Yolande Egyed), Une Promesse (Sorj Chalandon) , Le dieu des petits riens (Arundhati Roy) - book review: The god of small things (Arundhati Roy)
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mes portraits d'animaux au crayon et en aquarelle réalisés depuis 2016 my animal portraits in pencil or watercolour created since 2016
By Dominique Hoffmann July 31, 2022
Ce mois de juillet, j'ai lu plusieurs livres en français et en anglais.  Et voici mes chroniques: 

en français
Vol en piqué - Sabrina Kiefner 
Vendre son livre sur Amazon - Fabien Dedieu 
Coumba, te voilà femme - Christiane Schmits 

This July, I read several books in English: 
Jessup - Steven Ainley 
Sell your book on Amazon - Fabien Dedieu.

Voici mes chroniques. 

Tout d'abord : Vol en Piqué" de Sabrina Kiefner - roman historique - 
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-2368687840

disponible sur Amazon  et sur commande en librairie  "
By Dominique Hoffmann July 21, 2022
In May 1987, when I was still working with a anglo-German truck company, a driver took me to London and there I found myself  exploring, testing my knowledge of English.  Shortly afterwards, I jotted some notes about my trip and used them later for my novel : Souvenir of Germany.  My protagonist Tatiana Arnold takes exactly the same trip, albeit in December 1986 and this is what she sees in London: 

Friday the 19th,   while Tatiana was having breakfast the next morning,  - toast, orange marmalade and black tea, it was very cold outside. Despite the winter showers, she had planned to explore the Sherlock Holmes Museum after visiting HMV on Oxford Street, the world’s largest record store. All her favourites were there: Joni Mitchell, Bob Dylan, America, Ralph McTell, Gerry Rafferty. She bought a CD with Gerry Rafferty’s singles "Baker Street" and Ralph McTell’s "Streets of London" as well as a CD of Christmas carols. She told herself that she had made a very good choice and was eager to listen to her music on her CD player at home. For lunch she went to the Selfridges Café and ordered a quiche and a melon and sweet-corn salad. ...

Then she explored Baker Street - that’s where the legendary fictional detective Sherlock Holmes lived. She was a fan and never missed any episode of the TV show with Jeremy Brett. To her great disappointment, only an oval sign paid tribute to Sherlock Holmes because in 221b there was an administrative building. The staff of the eponymous hotel informed him that in the past there had been a museum but that it had closed due to bankruptcy two years earlier.

a new privately run  Sherlock Holmes museum  opened in 1990 and is situated in Baker Street and bears  the number 221B by permission of the City of Westminister although it lies between numbers 237 and 241, near the north end of Baker Street in central London close to Regent Park. Of course I visited that one as well, but that's another story.

Souvenir of Germany - Chapter 11
By Dominique Hoffmann July 20, 2022
The Tower of London , is a historic castle on the north bank of the River Thames of central London. Built between 1078 and 1399 by the Normans in Britain. It is a World Unesco Heritage Site since 1988. 

A year before, in May 1987, I visited the Tower of London.  I used my memories to write a scene in my novel Souvenir :

Tatiana walked to the Tower of London. Built by the Normans during their conquest of England, this castle and former prison were also used as an observatory by King John Flamsteed’s royal astronomer and now housed the crown jewels and other valuables. Swords of gold so pure as if they had never witnessed any tragedy. The ruby on the crown was actually a bloody gift from Pedro the Cruel of Seville. The humanist Sir Thomas More was also imprisoned in the Tower and beheaded because he had not consented to the marriage of his king Henry VIII Tudor to Lady Ann Boleyn. Later, Lady Ann Boleyn suffered the same fate.

"Tower of London" thought Tatiana, "Treasures and cruelty!"

When she saw the great crows in the gardens, she remembered a legend:

“It is said that the kingdom and tower of London will fall if the six resident crows leave the fortress.”

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