My new novel "SOUVENIR" was completed in November 2020. It started life as a first draft in 1988 when I was living in Germany and working for a transport company. It's loosely based on memories about my first job although all the characters are completely fictitious and completely reworked during Nanowrimo2020.
Synopsis - Germany 1986 - the year that saw the return of the Halley Comet and the nuclear catastrophe of Tchernobyl - Tatiana and Rosalie are the two new girls in a German picturesque lakeside town. Tatiaja is twenty she is practical and adventurous and the Rosalie who just completed her A-levels is dreamy and shy. The younger sister studies and works part-time at the transport company where Tatiana works. They share a house with Luise and Nikko two young apprentices who work . One day a troubled young man enters their lives..